Monday, January 30, 2012

All is well

Last Monday, January 23rd, we had our first appointment at Clarksville OB/GYN with Dr. Johnston.  This was a great appointment.  Everything looked good, and we were able to hear our sweet baby's heartbeat again.  The heartbeat is strong, and we were able to pick it up immediately.  We will go back for another appointment in four weeks.  Today, I am 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  I am thinking we will make a grand announcement to our families this weekend.  I have a photo idea in mind...just gotta get everything lined up!

On another note, yesterday at Sunday School, Kathryn received a handout about families and how God gives us a family.  I asked Kathryn, "Did God give you a family?"  She replied, "Yes."  I said, "Who is in your family?"  She replied in this exact order, "Mommy, Sissy, and Daddy."  I asked, "Who is Sissy?"  She said, "I don't know."  I thought it was an interesting comment on her part.

We have not really talked to Kathryn all that much about our growing family.  We didn't want to say too much to her about it until we told our families.  Kathryn did go to an appointment with us at NFC, but she had no clue what was really happening.  And, often we will ask her if she would like a brother or sister, in which she always replies with a solid yes.

After announcing to our families, we plan to really start talking to her about the reality of everything happening.  I know she will be so excited once she understands, and I know she will be a great big sister! 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Belly Shot #1

I am going to attempt to remember to take belly pics every four weeks.  This is me at 8 and half weeks pregnant...
Not too much going on...yet!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

We are released from NFC!

Yesterday, we had our final appointment at Nashville Fertility.  We went in for an ultrasound, and everything looked great.  We were able to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and we were given more pictures of our growing baby.  Since our last appointment (2 weeks ago), baby Luther has grown three times larger.  Everything looked perfect, and Kyle and I couldn't be happier.  After our ultrasound, we saw Dr. Hill for a final time.  Since everything is progressing along just as expected, we have been released as a regular OB patient.  I will see Dr. Johnston a week from Monday.  For the first time during this pregnancy, I am finally feeling excited about everything.  I have been so cautious due to our past and therefore have not allowed myself to be excited.  Now, I am ready to talk about this pregnancy and share our news.  For the first time, Kyle and I have started talking about the reality of having baby #2.  We discussed in the car yesterday that (once again) we would not find out the gender.  I am glad Kyle is on the same page as me on this one.  However, I am not sure if he really felt like he had too much of a say in the decision.  I am blessed to have a husband that is so willing to let me be a control freak.  Now, I have just a few weeks to determine how we want to tell our family....I know the process will involve Kathryn.  I think I will research some ideas on Pinterest!
Baby Luther...8 weeks and 3 days

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Picture Time

Your family...Daddy, big sister Kathryn, and Me

Sick and Tired

When I was pregnant with Kathryn, I pretty much felt great the entire pregnancy.  This time around things have been different.  I am exhausted by the afternoons, and I have felt nauseous (morning and night) just about every day for the last two weeks.  I have felt more emotional, and I have definitely had less patience.  I feel like I am short with everyone especially with Kyle and Kathryn.  I am embracing the sickness and tiredness because I am simply thrilled to be pregnant, but I will be glad when I am feeling better and am back to my normal, controlled self. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Great Appointment

Last Wednesday (December 28th), we had our first ultrasound at Nashville Fertility.  We were both nervous and and excited about the appointment.  Luckily, everything looked great!  We heard the baby's heartbeat, which was 121 and that is very normal this early in the pregnancy.  I was measuring 6 weeks and 3 days.  And, to make the moment even more special, Kathryn went with us to the appointment, and she was able to come back for the ultrasound too.  She was definitely confused and unsure what was happening, but I am glad she was there with us.  We will go back a week from Wednesday for another ultrasound.  If all looks good and progressions are made, I will be released back to Dr. Johnston here in Clarksville.  Exciting times for the Luther family!
Baby's First Picture...6 weeks and 3 days