Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Publix Baby Club

If you are expecting or have a baby at home, you should sign up for the Publix Baby Club.  It is a free program, and you can sign up online.  I did this a couple of weeks ago and last week received my first batch of coupons.  There were lots of great coupons...several buy one get one free and even some things just completely free.  Yesterday, I went shopping to use several of the coupons.  For $40 I got all the things shown below.  I saved over $25.  I was pretty excited, and I am not a coupon clipper at all.  I look forward to what they will send in the future!!!

36 week check up

I have made it to 36 weeks.  I had an appointment yesterday, and all was well.  I am still dilated to just a 2 and 50% effaced.  I have gained a little more weight than I would like, but Suzanne thought it was so water weight.  With temps over 100 degrees, it could be water retention.  None the less, the baby's heartbeat was great.  Suzanne is predicting a boy based on the heartbeat.  She didn't say what the heartbeat was, but that was her prediction.  My blood pressure was a little high yesterday (128 over has been running 110 over 70), hopefully that was just a fluke.  They are going to keep an eye on it.  I am still feeling lots of low pressure.  At times it is even painful.  Baby Luther continues to move quite a bit but the movement is lessening.  I am so excited about baby Luther's arrival.  I am feeling prepared (room ready, bottles ready, car seat ready, etc.).  Until 37 weeks, I am still on bed rest.  After that, restrictions will be lifted (well, pending my blood pressure), and I will be back to my normal busy self.   

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bed Rest....still...

I have been on bed rest for two weeks now.  I have made a real effort to take things easy, but it is just so hard.  I am used to being busy and taking care of things myself.  I have really struggled with letting others help me.  I am fortunate to have family and friends that are more than willing to help in any ways possible.

All in all, I have felt pretty well.  When I am up walking for any extended time, I definitely feel lots of pressure and discomfort down low.  I guess that is the baby's head pushing downward.  Also, for the past two nights, I have not been able to eat dinner.  I am starving when I wake up each morning, but by afternoon/evening, I have no appetite.  And, sleeping has become sparse.  I guess my body is preparing for the night time feedings that will be here soon.  This morning, I actually woke up at 3:30 and felt well rested.  I never really went back to sleep.  I am hoping tonight I sleep a little longer.  I want to savor these nights of not getting up because I know they are coming to an end until baby Luther is sleeping through the night.

Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment.  I am into my 36th week of this pregnancy.  I am hoping for no change when I am checked.  I really, really want to make it through this upcoming weekend so I can be at Kathryn's birthday party.  More info to come... 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Things I will miss about being pregnant

1. Maternity clothes...Let's be honest, they are super comfy!
2. Eating bad foods and not feeling guilty about it
3. The baby bump
4. Nesting...I probably "nest" all the time, but at least during pregnancy I have an excuse to do so
5. The extra smiles seems like people love pregnant people...random people smile at me and will stop and make conversation about the baby/pregnancy...I actually like this
6. The comfort of knowing that the baby is safe and sound in the womb...and easy to care for : )
7. The one on one bonding that I get to experience
8. The fact that I am creating a baby...this is truly one of God's greatest miracles in a woman's life, and I feel beyond blessed to be chosen to be a part of this 

Things I will not miss about being pregnant

1. Heartburn
2. Trying to get comfortable in bed at night (from 32 weeks on, this has been a challenge)
3. Feeling tired
4. Constant bathroom breaks...especially those in the middle of the night
5. The feeling of being huge
6. In general, just getting around...up and down from the seated position, I am bumping into things because I am not use to a belly this big, etc.
7. Strange dreams....I have had some weird ones the last couple of nights

As I have already said a million times, this pregnancy has been so different than mine with Kathryn.  At this point, when the baby moves, it can actually be painful at times.  I enjoy the small movements, but the big, strong ones are not so fun.  I do want to embrace this pregnancy these last couple of weeks since this is our final pregnancy.  However, the things listed above are things I will not miss.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Great Appointment Today!

This morning, I had my 35 week appointment with Dr. Johnston.  First we listened to baby Luther's heartbeat, which was perfect, and then I was "checked."  I am happy to report that I have had no change since last week.  I guess this whole bed rest thing is working.  As hard as it is to stay still and not run around crazy like I normally do, it is most important for me to take it easy and hopefully hold out for 2 more weeks before delivery.  I would LOVE to make it through July 28th since that's when Kathryn's 4th birthday party is planned, and in two weeks I will be considered full term at 37 weeks.  Keep my fingers crossed and my body resting!!! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Super Daddy

I have to brag and say that Daddy has really stepped up to the plate the last couple of days...especially this weekend.  He has taken care of all things Kathryn and Bailey, and he has pretty much gotten me anything I have needed.  Today, he has taken Kathryn and gone grocery shopping.  With his help, I have been able to keep my feet up and rest which is hopefully helping me not to dilate any further.  Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment.  I am excited to see if any more progress has been made.  I am now 35 weeks.  I would rather baby Luther wait at least one more week before his/her arrival, but at the same time, I am really excited that I have made it to 35 weeks. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

The To Do List is almost done!

Our To Do List is dwindling, and that makes me happy!  This weekend, we should wrap up the final things.  Today, Daddy stopped by the store to pick up a few things including snacks to have at the hospital.  Mimi and Papa went and bought new bottles.  I was initially going to use the ones we already had, but after looking at them, I decided new bottles would be best (the old ones were yellowed and just didn't look all that great after 4 years).  And, Uncle Michael sent a huge box of wet wipes...THANK YOU Uncle Michael, we will need those for sure!  This weekend, we will install the car seat in my car, double check to make sure the baby monitor works, and Daddy will pack his overnight bag.  Everything else has been done.  Kathryn's bag is packed, my bag is packed, the diaper bag is packed, all the baby clothes, blankets, etc (including the new things we received at the bunco sprinkle) are washed and put away, and the bottles are washing in the dishwasher now.  Tomorrow, those will be put in the cabinet.  All in all, I am feeling pretty good about all the preparations for baby Luther's arrival. 

Today, I had a lot of low pressure...not sure if this means the baby has dropped more or if the baby is on a nerve...all I know is that standing and walking have been the most difficult today.  Also today, I did finish up Thank You notes for the gals in my bunco group.  I always enjoy writing thank you notes...not sure why...I guess I just wanted people to know how truly thankful we are for everything.

I am ready for a restful weekend.  I want to make sure I get plenty of R & R before baby's arrival!      

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Bunco Baby Sprinkle

I have been pretty adamant about not wanting any showers for baby Luther.  With Kathryn, we were beyond blessed with showers, and since so much of what we have is gender neutral, we are able to reuse lots of our baby gear.  None the less, last night, my bunco group planned a surprise sprinkle for me and Natalie (her son Jackson was born a couple of months ago).  I was definitely surprised by the sprinkle and honored that the girls wanted to do something for us.  Baby Luther received lots of goodies, and I was super excited about that.  Even though we do have tons of baby stuff already, it really is nice to have some new things to throw in the mix.  Plus, I do want baby Luther to feel special and not just have hand me downs.  THANK YOU to the best bunco group for making me and baby Luther feel so loved!!!!!

The Bunco Girls
Me and Natalie

Baby Luther's Nursery

I have been working in the baby's nursery this week trying to get things squared away and ready for baby Luther.  We are very fortunate to be able to use the same bedding we used for Kathryn's nursery.  I love the bedding and can't think of another gender neutral nursery I would rather have.  There are a few things left to do...such as wall art, but everything else is good to go.  We are just about ready!
View from the door

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A family picture

Happy 4th of July!

34 weeks and an update

I had my 34 week appointment today.  All is well, and baby Luther is preparing for his/her arrival.  For the past week or so, I have (on occasion) had some pretty sharp pains down low.  When I expressed this to Dr. Johnston, she decided to "check" me.  Much to my surprise, as of today, I am 50% effaced and dilated between a 1 and 2...being closer to a 2.  I asked what this meant, and Dr. Johnston said it meant I needed to take things easy....pretty much try to do as little as possible.  For me, this is very hard.  I am so used to going full speed pretty much all the time.  I always feel like there are things to do, and I have a hard time relaxing until those things are done.  Plus, I am a slight control freak, so I like to do things my way.  None the less, I plan to really take it easy for the next couple of weeks.  Since I am only 34 and a half weeks, I am not quite ready to have baby Luther.  I would feel much better if we got closer to 36 or 37 weeks.

Luckily, yesterday, I got quite of bit of work done in the baby's room.  I washed all the linens and blankets and gender neutral clothes.  I got everything put on the crib and got all the clothes in the drawers.  The only thing left to do is wall art which I can't really do until the baby is born and has a name.

Speaking of baby names, I think we have finally narrowed down our choices.  They are not definitely choices, but we are much closer than we were a couple of weeks ago.  There are several things left to do on our list but nothing really pressing.  I should be able to work on things a little at a time.  We are getting excited about baby's arrival, but we would definitely prefer for baby to be a little further along.
I am not a fan of self portraits such as this, but I took this pic while in Virginia last weekend.  I am exactly 34 weeks in this picture. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

33 weeks...7 to go!

I can't believe I am already 33 weeks!  The past couple of weeks have been busy, and this weekend we fly to Virginia (Kyle is in a wedding).  After that, I am staying home to rest up for baby Luther's arrival.  Since my last post, we have been busy working on baby names and preparing for baby Luther in general.  We (well, mainly Kyle) put together baby Luther's bouncy seat.  I have narrowed down options for an announcement.  I plan to order envelopes tomorrow so I can go ahead and address them.  I still need to clean out the nursery.  I am hoping to work on that tomorrow too.  There are some other things on my to do list, but I plan to work on those after this weekend's trip.

This past Tuesday, we had an ultrasound and appointment.  Baby Luther is looking great and a little on the large side.  As of June 26th, you weighed about 4 lbs and 11 oz.  This puts you in the 76th percentile for weight.  Overall, you are measuring about 2 weeks ahead.  The outside of my belly is measuring 3 weeks ahead.  My fluid levels looked great.  The ultrasound showed my fluid level to be a 15.  I am not exactly sure what that means, but I was told I have plenty of fluid  You are head down and very low (which explains the pressure I have been feeling).

It has been HOT in Clarksville, TN!  The temps have been consistently around 100-105 degrees.  I have had a little bit of swelling in my feet and ankles.  I have been thirsty and wanting lots of water.  Naturally this keeps me in the bathroom.  Overall, I have been feeling well. 

You have been on the move...still.  You love to kick around.  At times, my entire stomach will jolt because you kick so hard.  It doesn't hurt, it is just a strange feeling.  We go back to the doctor July 10th.  I am looking forward to hearing your sweet heartbeat again.  It is the best sound!!!!!

Daddy and big sis Kathryn putting together the bouncy seat
The final product! 
Here is baby Luther!!!