Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Baby Luther is constantly on the move!  I feel this baby moving and grooving all the time.  And, I truly love it, and I know I will miss this feeling once the baby is here.  I feel like everything is progressing along as it should each time I feel the baby move.  It is such a great, reassuring feeling.  I am now 23 weeks pregnant.  I can't believe I have less than 17 weeks to go!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

22 Week Check Up

I had an appointment with Dr. Johnston yesterday, and all is well.  I have gained a little more weight than I would like, but I just know that once Baby Luther is here, I will have some work to do.  I got to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday.  I love the strong beating sound.  And, I also love how quick the sound is detected.  It is always reassuring that everything is just the way it should be.  As I progress into 22 weeks of pregnancy, I am realizing how fast time is flying by.  My pregnancy is more than half way over.  Since this is my last pregnancy, I want to relish and enjoy every singe day.   

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pregnancy Headaches

As I have previously stated, this pregnancy has been so different than my pregnancy with Kathryn.  After my second trimester began, I started having multiple headaches a week.  At first I thought they were sinus/allergy induced, but after a doctor's appointment this past week, I have been diagnosed with migraines.  I have never had a migraine headache in my life.  I do know that these headaches are pregnancy induced, and I am hopeful after baby Luther is born that the headaches will be gone.  Other then the headaches and never ending heartburn, I am actually feeling pretty good.  I am much larger this pregnancy.  I guess your body really does have a "memory."  Let's just hope my body remembers to go back to it's pre-pregnancy shape after the baby is born.  

Baby Luther at 18 weeks

More baby Luther gifts

Mimi bought baby Luther these adorable outfits.  They are super soft and will be perfect whether baby Luther is a boy or girl. 
I am now 22 weeks pregnant.  More than half way there.  I know baby Luther will be here before we know it, and I know life will never be the same.  I know things are going to be hectic and crazy, but I also know that life will even be more wonderful with our new addition. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby Luther update

Baby Luther is growing and so is this momma!  We had an appointment on March 20th as well as our "big" ultrasound.  The ultrasound went great.  Baby Luther is growing just as he or she should be and is actually measuring a few days ahead of my due date.  Since we are not finding out the gender, there was no major news to share other than all looked good.  My doctor's appointment went well too.  I have had several headaches, but other than that I have felt really good.  I still have heartburn after eating pretty much anything, but Tums have become my best friend.  Baby Luther's heart rate was 157.  I have gained a little more weight than I would like...I have gained 15 pounds so far.  Oh well, I know that I will just have to work hard after Baby Luther is here.  Baby Luther continues to be a busy baby.  Anytime I lay down, Baby Luther is on the move.  Kyle and Kathryn both enjoy me laying down so they can feel the baby.  It is really so sweet when Kathryn asks me to lay down so she can feel the baby.  It makes my heart smile.  Kathryn loves talking about the baby and telling me all the things we need to do once the baby is here.  For example, she informed me the other day that "When the baby gets here after my birthday, we need to feed the baby and put the baby in the crib for the baby to sleep all night."  I wish it were going to be so simple!  Kathryn also informed me that "If the baby is a girl, I think we should name her Lily, Blanky, Ducky, or Booky."  I just had to laugh a little.  I know that Kathryn will have some adjustments to make come August, but I do think she will be an awesome big sister!  We are all so excited about Baby Luthers arrival.